Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Super Best Top Attorney Under 40

Next time your attorneys lobby for your help in making the Attorney List/Ranking du jour...ask them to complete a quick (and easy!) homework assignment. For the next two weeks, ask them to take note of all the plaques, window stickers and logos on the walls, windows and menus of the restaurants they patronize. Do they visit these restaurants because of the rankings? Do the rankings in any way enhance the flavor or improve the ambiance of the establishments? Can you distinguish one list from the other (ie SF Weekly / Yelp / Zagat / Michelen...)?

While this excercise will not prevent the tide of inquiries to a marketer's inbox, it might give you brainstorming fodder.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What about Law Firm Secret Shoppers?

We all know about Client Interviews... an effective and underutilized tool that allows law firms to receive marketing intlligence directly from their clients. Let's take it one step further and consider law firm secret shoppers, primarily a consumer-based marketing tool. Would your law firm benefit from implementing such a program?

Watching The Doctor, a film based on the non-fiction book A Taste of My Own Medicine, I couldn't help but wonder how attorneys would feel if they called upon their own services. Would their opinions of their partnership/receptionist/billing practices/response time change in any way? Over the course of the movie The Doctor's perception of his very own hospital changes in subtle and profound ways as a direct result of his personal experience with billing and insurance, lack of privacy/humanity in hospital rooms, and malpractice (big and small).

In order to see the world through another man's eyes, it is often necessary to first walk in his shoes.