Ever try walking a mile wearing a 65 lb. backpack?
Ok, it isn't quite as dramatic as that but USAA's customer service training goes quite a way toward putting their customer representatives in the shoes of their clients (military families). In addition to wearing 65lb backpacks, training includes reviewing deployment instructions, eating MREs and reading letters from deployed soldiers to their families back home to better understand the unique challenges these families face.
USAA's number 1 finish on Nunwood's 2015 USA Customer Experience Excellence Report is one measure of the financial service company's success. You can read more about it in The Golden Rules to The Six Pillars: Empathy. Bonus: check out the Nunwood Customer Experience Excellence Centre which is a goldmine of case studies and research.
USAA is an exception to the financial customer service rule according to a new study reporting global customer satisfaction with banks is only 23%.
In other words, :( for banks: a Penn State study reveals that emoticons in text communication may improve customer satisfaction as they translate empathy. Speed of response also earned high marks.
Zendesk's Q1 2015 Benchmark Report reports that customer satisfaction for live chat is higher than any other channel including email, webform, Facebook and Twitter. But be careful not to discount the public pressure imposed by Twitter: “If you’re not listening in social, it’s like telling your call-center staff to take the next month off,” says Lucas Vandenberg, founder of Fifty & Five, a Redondo Beach, Calif.-based digital marketing agency."
Finally, an indication that customer satisfaction can be just as much art as science, Chili's is spending millions to visually enhance its food and make it more shareable online. The idea: inciting a virtual race to keep up with the Jones' will lead more hungry people to dine at Chili's. Let's just hope they put as much effort into cooking your meal.
Image Courtesy of "Jack purcell" by rando111us