Vermont is hosting a conference on Gross National Happiness adapted from the efforts in Bhutan which got me thinking...what if law firms measured their performance on a Gross National Happiness scale rather than profits per partner? The American Lawyer's A-List touches on this notion but it's a very superficial touch and ignores all of the small-mid size firms that probably do a better job of it. Here are brief notes adapted for firms to The 9 Dimensions of Gross National Happiness below to get the juices flowing.
How does your job measure up?

2) HEALTH Measures the effectiveness of health policies, with criteria such as self-rated health, disability, patterns of risk behavior, exercise, sleep, nutrition, etc. Examples might include: office pantry supplied with healthy options instead of sweets and caffeine, internal meetings built around healthy activities- for example, I know of a small firm that conducts its partner retreats while hiking.
3) USE OF TIME The use of time is one of the most significant factors in quality of life, especially time for recreation and socializing with family and friends. A balanced management of time is evaluated, including time spent in traffic jams, at work, in educational activities, etc. Work-life balance is a well-worn topic in law firm culture. Consider efforts like working remotely, implementing bring your child to work day and vital maternity/paternity programs.
4) COMMUNITY VITALITY Focuses on relationships and interactions in communities. Again, pro bono efforts, association activity, etc. The key is a top-down approach to these efforts so that everyone in the firm understands that these activities are important to the firm's management.
5) EDUCATION Takes into account several factors such as participation in formal and informal education, development of skills and capabilities, involvement in children’s education, values education, environmental education, etc.
6) CULTURE Evaluates local traditions, festivals, core values, participation in cultural events, opportunities to develop artistic skills, and discrimination due to religion, race or gender.
7) ENVIRONMENT Measures the perception of citizens about the quality of their water, air, soil, forest cover, biodiversity, etc. The indicators include access to green areas, system of waste management, etc.
8) GOVERNANCE Assesses how the population views the government, the media, the judiciary, the electoral system, and the police, in terms of responsibility, honesty and transparency. It also measures involvement of citizens in community decisions and political processes. Is management approachable? Are the mentor/protegee pairs successful? Is the leadership strong?
9) STANDARD OF LIVING Evaluates individual and family income, financial security, the level of debt, employment security, the quality of housing, etc.
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