As my son heads off to celebrate his 100
th day of Kindergarten, here's a list of 100 things you can do to keep the business development ball in motion:
1. make a plan that includes a "to-do" everyday
2. read a business development book
3. read a work of fiction- something to help strike up a conversation
4. start a blog
5. submit an article to a magazine for publication
6. call an old client
7. take a colleague to lunch
8. take a friend to coffee
9. set up a
LinkedIn profile
10. send a
personalized invitation to 15 people to connect on
LinkedIn11. explore twitter
12. set up a twitter account
13. Google reader- have you optimized your queries recently?
14. go to a Chamber of Commerce Event
15. go to a Bar Association event
16. sit down next to a stranger (not a colleague) at the next luncheon you attend
17. repeat an affirmation in your head (even Stuart
Smalley works)
18. read On the Move columns and send a follow-up to congratulate someone you know
19. send a note- hand written and stamped!- to someone in your network
20. make a cold-call
21. make some warm calls
22. check your sent email folder from 1 year ago--any follow up items?
23. follow-up on them
24. check-in with your boss
25. visualize yourself 1 year from now
26. write down the steps you'll take to get there
27. volunteer somewhere
28. optimize your
RSS feeds
29. make a list of your top 10 clients
30. are you maximizing those relationships?
31. are they happy? anything you can do to make them happier?
30. make a list of your top 11-20 clients
31. what could you do to move them up to the top 10 slots
32. make a list of 10 clients you'd like to have
33. what can you do right now to get them?
34. pull up your resume...would you hire you?
35. re-do your resume
36. thank your support staff
37. thank your family
38. go on a 15 minute walk
39. write down your thoughts, the list of things that came up on your walk
40. drink water instead of soda
41. send a newspaper clipping or article of interest to a client
42. visit your
firm's website
43. thank a marketer for their work
44. visit a marketing website
45. read the Wall Street Journal
46. drink green tea instead of coffee
47. cook something new- conversation starter
48. thank a PR professional for their work
49. next time someone tries to sell you something pay attention
50. think about what they did right or wrong- incorporate your thoughts into your pitch
51. take a knowledgeable vendor up on their lunch invite
52. prepare questions that might benefit you (i.e.- what are you hearing in the marketplace?)
53. go to a museum or concert
54. think about ways that art relates to your profession
55. be passionate about something
56. think about why/how you became an attorney
57. rekindle the fire
58. do more Pro
Bono work
59. peronalize this list of 100 to suit your needs
60. make a point to share your expertise with a potential client somehow in the next 2 hours
61. visit your competitor's web site
62. visit the websites of a firm that has what you want
63. attend a business development webinar
64. listen to a TED speech
65. consider how it applies to your business
66. put those loose business cards into your database
67. clean your desk
68. buy a new suit
69. ignore the urge to dress casual on Friday and call on a client instead
70. get to work early on Monday
71. get a mentor
72. get a mentee
73. pick an empty day on your calendar
74. fill the day with client appointments
75. polish your shoes
76. clean out your briefcase
77. smile before you pick up the phone
78. listen
79. do one more thing each day than you think you possibley can
80. take a deep breathe
81. google yourself
82. google your law firm
83. google your clients
84. follow-up on the things you haven't followed-up on
85. do the thing you've been putting off
86. clean out your inbox
87. talk business at the watercooler
88. take a different mode of transportation to the office
89. pick up the phone instead of sending an email
90. post a comment
91. learn more about your client's clients
92. when you ask, "How are you?" mean it
93. when you respond to "How are you?" be unique
94. look up when you walk
95. send a thank you note with an invoice
96. check your invoices to be sure they make sense to you
97. commit to returning all client calls/emails within 1 business day
98. read an in-house counsel profile
99. read a judicial profile
100. put a new item on tomorrow's calendar