Saturday, March 13, 2010

Disaster Planning...not the Earthquake kind

I attended a Safety Committee meeting at my son's school last week and realized that there are so many things around us that we don't care about...until we do. Until the next big earthquake hits the school, it's ok that the emergency supplies aren't fully organized. Until someone gets sick from the leaky pipes, it's just an inconvenience and mess to clean up. Until a child is unaccounted for, there are more important administrative duties than visitor and volunteer passes.
Marketing works the same way. When times are good and clients are calling, it's ok to postpone the website redesign or push off that lunch with an old friend. If an attorney is busy with the actual practice of law, and the time-sheets are flush, how can you justify devoting valuable time attending a non-billable networking event or writing an article to get your name out.

Adapted to Law Firm Marketing from FEMA's Preparedness Guide
You plan only once, and are able to apply your plan to all types of hazards.
• Get informed about hazards and emergencies that may affect you and your family. Where does your business come from now, how will this change in the next year?

• Develop an emergency plan. Work with your marketing staff to create a personal plan and make sure you are doing your part to pitch in for the firm's.
• Collect and assemble disaster supplies kit. Learn about yourself and the type of marketing that suits your personality. Not everyone can work a room or maintain a blog. 

• Learn where to seek shelter from all types of hazards. Network: have wide range of people in your network that can help you get business, find a new job, take work that doesn't fit in your area of expertise.

• Identify the community warning systems and evacuation routes. Stay on top of industry news and information.

• Include in your plan required information from community and school plans. Attend association meetings, stay in touch with law school peers and other firms alum to develop a referral network

• Practice and maintain your plan. Amen.

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