Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lady Gaga...future law firm CMO?

Great post from Church of the Customer blog on the ways that Lady Gaga actively cultivates her fan base. There is plenty of opportunity for law firms to incorporate these techniques into their marketing strategy and create loyal clients...a Tribe

1. Give fans a name (or take on the name they call you)
The first example that comes to mind is Morrison Foerster adopting MoFo in their marketing efforts.

2. Make it about something bigger than you
Law Firms are often the first to step up to the plate and donate funds in a crisis and have a long history of supporting their communities (stable economy = steady legal work). This is headed in the right direction but try considering ways that you can incorporate this spirit into your everyday work culture not just in times of need or when the sponsorship committee comes calling.

3. Develop shared symbols
Sponsoring industry events is a dry example of how you can accomplish this goal...but when you attend be creative! Engage your clients. Make the trip to your exhibit booth worth their while. Anybody can slap a brand on a chotchke...understand the industry and needs of your customers so that you can anticipate matters related to their business and speak their language

4. Make your customers feel like rock stars
Think about the last time you felt like a rock star: did you get the best seat in the house and the most knowledgeable server at a restaurant? did your partner make you breakfast in bed or a customer service rep go out of the way to insure your grandma got her Christmas package in time despite your last minute efforts? What did it feel like? Now think about ways you can make that happen for your clients? Hint: Sometimes all it takes is listening

5. Leverage social media
Legal Marketing is plagued with social media discussions. At the end of the day what matters most is how you use the tools that are available and if your efforts are sustainable. If Twitter doesn't feel right to you, then invest time and energy optimizing your website or revitalizing your blog.

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